
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under evaluation for publication by any other magazine. In such cases where it is under evaluation elsewhere, this must be notated under "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is formatted for Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (provided they do not exceed 2MB).
  • All of the websites (URLs) included in the text (Ex.: are active and when clicking on them you will be linked to them online.
  • The text is in accordance with the norms and guidelines which are outlined in the announcement such as spacing, font, and other requirements.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements which are described in the Author Guidelines section which can be found in the About the Magazine section.

  • The identification of the author was removed from this summary using the properties option in Word. This guarantees the confidentiality criteria of the magazine if subjected to peer review (eg articles). This confidentiality is in accordance with the instructions on Ensuring Double-Blind Peer Reviews.
  • The author is aware that the data and information provided at registration is their responsibility
  • The author is aware that the articles sent, in the event of approval, may be published in the next issues of RDFD
  • The author should remove of information related to identity in the text of the article and in their CV (resumé) and indication on the Lattes Platform., including the e-mail. This information should appear in their registration.
  • Insert title in Portuguese and English by filling in the metadata field, as well as abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. The articles must follow the instructions ABNT 6023.
  • The abstract should be in accordance with standard NBR 6028:2003 and should contain a summary presentation of the relevant points of the article as well as provide sufficient information to enable the reader to decide on the viability of the text. The structure of the abstract should contain the following tiems: a) objective, b) method, c) results, d) research findings. The abstract must not be more than 250 words.
  • Registry of title, summary of key words in Portuguese and English.

    Please observe that the inclusion of data in English should go shortly after the data in Portuguese in the same metadata field.
  • To observe the Editorial recommendation, in the sense of before submitting the article for evaluation, to check in detail the Editorial policy of the journal, as well as the published articles, referring to the subject of the article and, as far as possible, to use RDFD articles in the manuscript to be subject.
  • Fill in all metadata fields, such as: curriculum link lattes, degree, home institution, institutional affiliation and other items.
  • Fill in the required field of ORCID registration at the 'view profile', in 'public', by association of your account to RDFD. The ORCID system does not acept the indicativo of another url. The autentication may be realise at the propor link.
    When indicating and registering the co-author, authorization by e-mail must be requested when selecting the proper field.
  • The simultaneous submission, by author or co-author, of two or more articles is prohibited. All articles posted after the one that is in the editorial process will be rejected without merit analysis. An article that has not yet been rejected or that has been approved, but has not yet been published, is considered to be in the editorial process.

Author Guidelines





Fundamental Rights and Democracy - RDFD is an online, open access journal with articles published under a Creative Commons BY, NC, SA license. It is indexed in national and international databases and receives articles, in the continuous flow system, from authors and doctors in cooperation with doctoral students or masters or students.


Every four months, an RDFD proposes to foster academic debate on the theme of Fundamental Rights and Democracy. In pursuit of this goal, the RDFD publishes articles that address issues related to (i) religious, social, economic, political and cultural rights; (ii) the fundamental guarantees; (iii) human dignity; (iv) constitutional, supranational and international jurisdictions; (v) legal hermeneutics; (vi) the political, administrative and judicial organization of the state; (vii) the forms of material and procedural cooperation of the state with local, regional, supranational and international organizations; (viii) the new forms of legal-normative self-regulation; (ix) the themes of pluralism, diversity and identities; (x) transitional justice; (xi) for debates on the challenges of meaningless democracy in the relations between democracy and popular sovereignty, democracy and populism, democracy and authoritarianism, democracy and colonialism, democracy and new technologies, democracy and nationalism, democracy and globalization, democracy and electoral systems, democracy and freedom, democracy and democracy, democracy and affirmative action, democracy and liberalism, democracy and republicanism, democracy and Marxian thinking, democracy and conservative thinking, democracy, state and development, democracy and social movements, democracy and inclusion, democracy and trust and democracy and social reality.


Articles are exclusively used electronically, with no specific field of the RDFD website.


The content of signed articles is the sole responsibility of their authors.


Submitted articles must meet the requirements of being unpublished, originality and importance and are followed by the double blind review procedure. Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian or French are accepted.


It is the authors' duty to submit original articles. One of the requirements for article submission is the same as not contained in the other studies already published. In the event of self-plagiarism or improper copying by other authors, the RDFD Editors are free to reject or delete the article already published.


Authors should not submit articles already submitted for review in another journal.


The same research cannot be the subject of selected publication or redundant in several journals without the consent of the editors.

RDFD does not accept preprints.

The indication of authorship of the article should effectively reflect the contribution made to the design, execution or interpretation of the study performed.


Article submission to an RDFD presupposes a dialogue that the author also conducts with texts on the same subject already published by the RDFD. Thus, the author, when choosing an RDFD as the publication vehicle of his production, should verify that the theme of his article has not been analyzed in other editions of RDFD. If so, the author should cite the corresponding articles, either to confirm or to oppose or to be supporting.


Articles must be written in technical language, with a minimum length of 15 pages and a maximum of 30 pages.


Book Reviews cannot exceed a 5-page limit.


Articles will be reviewed by two reviewers, who will consider the following requirements:

  1. a) scientific relevance;
  2. b) originality of the work in Brazilian and international doctrine;
  3. c) theoretical and practical foundation;
  4. d) emphasis on the critical character and correlation of the work with the master's concentration area;
  5. e) scientific-technical accuracy of the presented content.


Each text will receive an opinion containing the following recommendations:

  1. a) apt for publication,
  2. b) refuse to publish or
  3. c) apt with corrections.


See below for (i) the article submission template; (ii) the model of declaration of originality.




Authors should verify compliance of the submission to the items listed below. Submissions that do not observe them will be rejected.


The author declares that the article has not been published, linked or submitted, in whole or in part, in another publication (printed or electronic) of scientific nature or not. Likewise, it did not constitute a short version of undergraduate or postgraduate monograph, course completion work, master's dissertation, doctoral thesis or the like. The author ensures that the work is original and does not contain any form of plagiarism, and is expressly responsible for the use of texts and images of third parties, when such use requires authorization.

The simultaneous submission, by author or co-author, of two or more articles is prohibited. All articles posted after the one that is in the editorial process will be rejected without merit analysis. An article that has not yet been rejected or that has been approved, but has not yet been published, is considered to be in the editorial process.

Articles written by three authors will only be accepted if two of them are PhDs. Articles written by four or more authors are not accepted.

The files are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format and do not exceed 2MB.


All web page addresses (URLs) included in the text (eg are active and ready to click.


The text conforms to the standards and guidelines of the mandatory template, such as spacing, font and other requirements.


The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors and the mandatory use template in the About Journal section.


Any form of identification of the article's authorship has been removed, including the "Properties" option in Word.


The author is aware that the data and information contained in the registration is your responsibility.


The author is aware that the article submitted, if approved, will be published meeting the criteria of exogeny and seniority of posting.


When filling in the metadata field, enter the article title in Portuguese and English, as well as the abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. The inclusion of English data should come right after Portuguese data in the same metadata field. Regarding the bibliographic references, the author must pay attention to the ABNT 6023 standard.


The abstract should be in accordance with ABNT 6028, highlighting the purpose, method, results and conclusions of the article, as well as composed of a sequence of concise, affirmative and non-topic enumeration sentences. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.


All metadata fields are filled in, such as the Lattes curriculum link, title, home institution, institutional affiliation and other items.


The required field of the ORCID record. is completed.





According to data from the last two years, we inform the average term of 300 days for the final editorial decision and another 300 days for publication.

We inform that the submissions are published in order to be in chronological order of approval, but also has as a guideline the technical criteria required by CAPES (Brazilian education public authority).




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The names and email adresses of this site will be utilized exclusively for the final objectives of the magazine and will not be made available for any other purposes.