About the Journal


Fundamental Rights & Democracy - RDFD is an open access online journal with articles published under the Creative Commons BY, NC, SA license. It is indexed in national and international databases and receives articles, in the continuous flow system, from doctoral authors and doctors in co-authorship with doctoral students, masters or master's students.

Every four months, the RDFD intends to foster academic debate on the theme of Fundamental Rights and Democracy. In pursuit of this objective, the RDFD publishes articles that address issues related to (i) fundamental civil, social, economic, political and cultural rights; (ii) the fundamental guarantees; (iii) human dignity; (iv) constitutional, supranational and international jurisdictions; (v) legal hermeneutics; (vi) the political, administrative and judicial organization of the state; (vii) the forms of material and procedural cooperation of the state with local, regional, supranational and international organizations; (viii) the new forms of legal normative self-regulation; (ix) the themes of pluralism, diversity and identities; (x) transitional justice; (xi) debates on the challenges of democracy in the relationship between democracy and popular sovereignty, democracy and populism, democracy and authoritarianism, democracy and colonialism, democracy and new technologies, democracy and nationalism, democracy and globalization, democracy and electoral systems, democracy and freedom, democracy and equality, democracy and affirmative action, democracy and liberalism, democracy and republicanism, democracy and Marxian thinking, democracy and conservative thinking, democracy, state and development, democracy and social movements, democracy and inclusion, democracy and trust and democracy and social reality.



The RDFD has two sections: (i) Articles and (ii) Reviews.



To become a national and international reference journal in the academic debate on the theme of Fundamental Rights and Democracy, guiding its actions by the quality of publications, plurality of thoughts and transparency of the editorial process.

Peer Review

The submitted articles must meet the criteria of originality and importance and are submitted to the double blind review procedure, ie, they are sent, without identification of authorship, for evaluation by two reviewers holding the title of Doctor (Ph.D.).

The reviewers may consider the article (i) apt for publication, (ii) refuse to publish or (iii) apt with corrections. In the event of disagreement among the reviewers regarding the acceptance for publication of the article, it will be sent to a third one. In case the divergence is limited to corrections, the article will be returned to the author for adjustments. In this case, the editor may certify in a reasoned statement whether or not the author made the adjustments requested by the reviewer, deciding whether or not to publish the article.

The selection of articles that will compose the edition will meet the criteria of exogeny and seniority of register in the system.



RDFD publishes three editions per year, which all together form one volume. Each edition contains its articles in its own summary. The periodicity of publication is quarterly:

Number 1 (January / April): Published in April

Number 2 (May / August): Published in August

Number 3 (September / December): Published December



RDFD offers free access to its content, advocating free access to quality academic knowledge.



RDFD is indexed in the following databases:


Biblioteca do Senado (RVBI),



Catálogo Coletivo das Universidades da Catalunha - Espanha,

Biblioteca da Universidade de Barcelona,

Open Journal System,

Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (ACAAP),


Electronic Journal Library University Library of Regensburg - Germany,





Universal Impact Factor,


Academic Keys,

Cite Factor.




There are no fees for article submission to the journal, nor for the editorial process and/or publication of the selected articles.



The RDFD is maintained by the Autonomous University Center of Brazil - UniBrasil, a higher education institution based in the city of Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil.

UniBrasil has a Postgraduate Program - Master and Doctorate in the concentration area “Fundamental Rights and Democracy”, with a grade of 4 by Capes - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, a foundation linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Education.



RDFD observes the Singapore Declaration on Research Integrity of COPE, signed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, held in Singapore, July 22-24, 2010.

RDFD adheres to the following ethical and integrity standards:


(i) Freedom of Expression and Academic Research

The RDFD does not tolerate any restrictions on freedom of expression, thought, and freedom of academic research. If the article receives qualitative evaluation in accordance with the standards stipulated by the editorial policy, as well as related to the scope, its publication cannot be rejected;


(ii) From Double Blind Review

All submitted articles must be submitted for review by the Double Blind Review.


(iii) Plagiarism and Ethical Behavior of the Author (s) of the Text

It is the authors' duty to submit original articles. One of the requirements for article submission is that it does not contain plagiarism from other studies already published. In the event of self-plagiarism or improper copy of text by other authors, the RDFD Editors are free to reject or even delete an article already published.

Authors should not submit articles already submitted for review in another journal.

The same research may not be subject to multiple or redundant publication in several journals without the consent of the Editors.

The indication of authorship of the article should effectively reflect the contribution given to the conception, project, execution or interpretation of the study performed.


(iv) Editors and Pool of reviewers

Publishers commit to respect the rights of authors and to make no distinction on the grounds of ideology, race, gender, religion or politics, and to ensure that no offensive texts or criminal offenses are published, civil or administrative

The Editors commit to maintain confidentiality about the content of the submitted texts, except to the Reviewers and the Editorial Board, and may not even cite in unpublished scientific works without the express written consent of the author.

Editors should make every effort to cooperate with ethical complaints regarding articles submitted or already published.

The reviewers commit to maintain the confidentiality of the texts submitted to them, to evaluate the articles with objectivity and reasoning, as well as to be punctual in carrying out the accepted evaluations.

Editors and reviewers should refrain from any analysis when there is a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted work, communicating such situation to the Editorial Board.



The history of RDFD is linked to the Post-Graduate Program in Law of UniBrasil and its area of concentration in Fundamental Rights and Democracy. RDFD emerged to foster academic debate on the theme of Fundamental Rights and Democracy, and its first issue was published in June 2007. Throughout its existence, RDFD has sought to remain true to its initial purpose of serving the academic community with quality publications. This trajectory of success reached the full recognition of the Brazilian scientific community in 2016, when RDFD became part of the select group of journals classified in stratum A1 by Qualis from Capes - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education.


Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for journal content.

The backup is done weekly and is retrained for up to 15 working days. A permanent copy is stored when the last business day of the month.




Portuguese – (Brazil)



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