


The work examines the challenges posed by emerging technologies, such as robots, artificial intelligence, and algorithms, within the Algorithmic Society. It contrasts the "Frankenstein Complex," which fears malevolent machines, with Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, emphasizing that, in practice, legal and interpretative issues arise that necessitate regulations focused on the humans who develop and operate these technologies. The argument is made that governance should prioritize the good faith, transparency, and responsibility of designers and operators, rather than concentrating solely on the devices themselves. The "homunculus fallacy" is used to critique the mistaken belief that there is a human entity within AI programs, highlighting the need to regulate programming and data usage. Additionally, the "substitution effect," in which AI and robots replace humans, impacting social dynamics, is discussed. Finally, three fundamental legal principles are proposed to guide interactions within the Algorithmic Society: fiduciary duties, public obligations, and the prevention of cost externalization, applying these principles to both digital companies and governments.

Keywords: Algorithmic Society; algorithms; artificial intelligence; Big Data; Three Laws of Robotics.


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Author Biography

Jack M. Balkin, Yale Law School

Professor de Direito Constitucional e Primeira Emenda na Yale Law School. Fundador e diretor do Information Society Project de Yale, um centro interdisciplinar que estuda o direito e as novas tecnologias da informação. Ele também dirige o Instituto Abrams para a Liberdade de Expressão e o Programa Knight de Direito e Mídia em Yale.


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How to Cite

M. Balkin, J. (2024). THE THREE LAWS OF ROBOTICS IN THE AGE OF BIG DATA. Revista Direitos Fundamentais & Democracia, 29(2).