This article seeks to demonstrate the importance of granting independence and autonomy to the Personal Data Protection Authority, an institution that is the base to effectiveness and effectiveness of the General Law of Protection of Personal Data, through its transformation into a special federal authority. To this end, it is presented a drawing of the current context through which society and, consequently, the world economy pass, which have gained the noble concept of networked society and information economy. An analysis is made of what Big Data will be, with the aim of laying the groundwork for understanding the context in which personal data protection laws were born all over the world. The evolution of the norms of protection of the privacy and personal data, which have been delineated in four generations, is traversed. The concept, function, importance and subsequent ineffectiveness of the role of consent as a single instrument for the protection of such rights is explained. Finally, it seeks to demonstrate the importance of providing such entities with a minimum of independence and autonomy, imperative for these institutions to achieve the purpose for which they were created. The method used is the deductive method, with the aid of bibliographic research method. The conclusion is that the independence of a national data protection authority increases the effectiveness of specific legislation about the subject.
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