Since the second half of the twentieth century, the technological development led to a significant increase in life expectancy, which made the process of dying longer as well. Nowadays, more than ever, there are terminally ill people who are able outlive their doctor’s prognosis, staying alive for weeks, months, or even years. Still, in Brazil, less than 10% of the hospitals offer their patients palliative care. The purpose of this article, in the context of the edition of the Resolution nº 41, of October 31, 2018, of the Intermanager Tripartite Commission, is to reveal the importance of providing such care so that patients can live in dignified conditions up to the last moment of their lives. Using the inductive method and through a bibliographic review, we will be able to conclude that palliative care means much more than simply paying attention to the patient's physical pain, since there are innumerable forms of suffering that must also be attended to, making a change in the medical care provided by health teams to terminally ill patients, their families and close ones an urgent matter.
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