The present work is about the direct appeal to the people and how the subject was treated in the classical theories, especially in those referring to the separation of powers. There is also an analysis of the criticism made by Alexis de Tocqueville (2005) and Stuart Mill (2018) of the possibility of resorting to the people to give rise to a tyranny of the majority over minorities. The bibliographic methodology was used, through the analysis of works published in the physical and digital media, with the objective of contributing to the debate on the subject, especially the works of John Locke (1998), Jean Jacques Rousseau (1978), James Madison (1993), Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès (2001) and Carl Smith (1983). The results show that the authors consulted share a common mistrust of the people's ability to take active resolutions and participate more actively in government. It is concluded that these theories, despite being a reference and having high importance, must be analyzed in the light of their time and their ideas must be carefully transported to the reality of modern democracies, which admit the use of resources to the people, such as way of improving the representative system.
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