



This essay aims to analyze, through literature review, and adopting a deductive method, the nuclear arguments of the New Zealander author Jeremy Waldron regarding his attack towards the foundational bases of the judicial authority do strike down legislation, especially in his well-known article The Core of The Against Case Judicial Review. Fostering Waldron´s premises, some related issues, such as democracy, constitutionalism and judicial empowerment will be addressed. This will be followed by a brief discussion about the performance of the Higher Judicial Court Branch in Brazil, in a way of verifying the ways that judicial review really comes to be in Brazil’s Supremo Court, mainly during the pandemic.



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Author Biographies

Pós-Doutora Mônia Clarissa Hennig, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC



Lucas Moreschi Paulo, FMP e UNISC




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How to Cite

Pós-Doutora Mônia Clarissa Hennig, & Moreschi Paulo, L. (2024). CRITICS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL JURISDICTION ON WALDRON’S PERSPECTIVE:: AN ANALYSIS FROM THE BRAZILIAN CASE. Revista Direitos Fundamentais & Democracia, 29(3), 90–113.