Palabras clave:
Moral harassment, Human rights, International agreement and conventions, Principle of freedom, Principle of human dignityResumen
The moral harassment gained prominence as one of the worst forms of occupational violence, identified as a psychological torture to the victim worker. This phenomenon has no nationality and its scope is global, immediately necessary to make the look of international law on the subject. In the shape of original scientific paper seeks to recognize in the international agreements and conventions legal grounds to fight the moral harassment in employment relations. The investigative design selected was the explanatory with use of the dialectical method of approach, the research was qualitative grounded in literature and international normative. As a result of this scientific endeavor remains clear that international law provides a good level of protections to workers victim of psicoterror, not even dealing with this phenomenon directly and nominal. It was found that mobbing affront mainly the freedom and dignity of the human person, so the victim worker can use the international agreements and conventions that have as theme the protection of human rights to safeguard their own health in a hostile work environment. Concluded in the sense that the moral harassment is a execrable employer’s conduct, a real attack on worker’s human rights and, hence, opposed by public international law.Descargas
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