This article aims to investigate the possibility of using online consensus mechanisms and their applicability as an adequate response to conflicts of interest, based on the application of public policy established by Resolution n. 125/2010 of the CNJ. From this contextualization, the question is: what are the online mechanisms for conflict resolution? Would they be a legally viable option in the Brazilian legal scenario? How would it be properly used? It is assumed that it is possible to use online consensual means of conflict handling, as they are tools capable of facilitating communication between the parties and are supported by Brazilian law. In line with the problem of research and hypothesis, is the general objective, which is to investigate what online dispute resolution are as mechanisms for access to justice in Brazil in the face of the application of Resolution no. 125 of the CNJ. As a result of the main objective, the following specific objectives were elaborated: a) to describe the Judicial Policy for the treatment of conflicts of interest in Brazil and to analyze the fundamental principle of access to justice; b) explain what ODR’s are, analyzing the legislation that supports their application in Brazilian law; c) consider the implementation of online mechanisms in Brazil, examining some aspects related to the social transformations experienced from the information age. In order to fulfill the proposed objectives, the deductive method and the monographic procedure method will be used.
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