Português Português






This article analyzes the fundamental concept of action in order to identify the real constitutional sense of the Claim Of Non-Compliance With a Fundamental Precept, and in comparison with the Constitution's own norm, given that its doctrinal evaluation is almost always based only on Law 9.882/99, which it is seen as the creator of a kind of concentrated control of constitutionality. It Identifies another way of legislative blocking beyond that it was showed by Rosalind Dixon in this periodical in her study about “the core case for weak-form judicial review”. The paper argues that the constitutional norm has brought, in truth, an important and innovative fundamental guarantee, in order to enrich constitutional jurisdiction as an instrument of participatory democracy but it was blocked by its legislative regulation. In this case, it demands the changing in the law or the strong-form of judicial review by the constitutional court.


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Author Biographies

Português, Português

Doctorate Law student at the Federal University of Bahia. Master in Public Law from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2003). Graduated from the Federal University of Alagoas (1997). Professor of Constitutional Law at CESMAC University Center.

Português, Português

Post-Doctorate in Constitutional Law from the University of Lisbon (Portugal). PhD in Constitutional Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC / SP (2003) and Master in Economic Law from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA (1999). He holds a law degree from the Federal University of Bahia (1991). Full Professor at the Catholic University of Salvador (UCSAL) in the Law Graduation Course, where he teaches Constitutional Law, and in the Master and Doctorate Courses in Social Policies and Citizenship, where he teaches Fundamental Rights and the Effectiveness of Social Rights, Judicialization of Politics, Activism and Effectiveness of Social Rights. Associate Professor II at the Federal University of Bahia in the Undergraduate, Master and Doctorate courses in Law, where he teaches Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Fundamental Rights, Constitutional Jurisdiction and Theory of the Constitution.



How to Cite

Português, P., & Português, P. (2020). Português Português: Português. Revista Direitos Fundamentais & Democracia, 25(3), 78–108. https://doi.org/10.25192/issn.1982-0496.rdfd.v25i31944