
  • Mariana Colotta USAL




The main objective of the following article is to make visible the role of women in leadership positions in the field of high diplomacy in Latin America; delving into the situation, problems and challenges for Latin American women diplomats. Within the specific objectives, it seeks to determine the legal frameworks—organic charter, regulations—, the declarations, conventions and documentation emanating from international organizations, which contribute to making gender issues visible and the construction of an agenda and its impact on the Latin American countries. On the other hand, it is about accounting for the quantitative evolution of the incorporation of women to the diplomatic career in Argentin, Colombia and México.

Based on a quantitative-qualitative research methodology that uses the analysis of secondary data sources from the Foreign Service Institutes of the three aforementioned countries and the documentary analysis of international and regional legal frameworks against gender inequality, seeks to address the incorporation of women into public space in a favorable context that is presented as necessary, but not sufficient.

Keywords: Latin America. female leadership. feminist diplomacy. gender inequality



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Author Biography

Mariana Colotta, USAL

Doutora em Ciência Política (USAL). Especialista em Metodologia da Pesquisa Científica (UNLA) e graduada em Sociologia (USAL). Atualmente é reitora da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais da USAL, professora adjunta de Métodos e Técnicas de Pesquisa Social da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais (USAL), na Oficina de Teses do Mestrado em Recursos Humanos (UBA) e na Oficina de Dissertação do Mestrado em Integração (UNTREF). É coordenadora da Área de Gênero do IDICSO. Autora e compiladora de trabalhos sobre pesquisa científica e gênero.


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How to Cite

Colotta, M. (2024). DIPLOMACY AND WOMEN IN LATIN AMERICA.: THE CASES OF ARGENTINA, COLOMBIA AND MEXICO. Revista Direitos Fundamentais & Democracia, 29(1), 187–207. https://doi.org/10.25192/ISSN.1982-0496.RDFD.V.29.N.I.2395