a genealogical analysis of TJ/SE judgments
This research aimed to expose the consequences of the new regime of civil capacity in forensic practice. The problem of the study consisted in the fact that both the curatorship and the supported decision-making transport the analysis of the civil capacity of people with disabilities to the Judiciary, where discourses and truths are produced. The research was developed through the inductive analytical method and with the genealogical perspective of Michel Foucault. The judgments of the Court of Justice of the State of Sergipe referring to this object were analyzed, inferring the discursive practices and the value given to each of the statements of the procedural subjects. It was found that civil capacity is still linked to medical-psychiatric analysis, which makes room for knowledge-power relationships about bodies with disabilities in the judicial sphere. It was concluded that there is a need for critical reflection on this recently reformed legal-civil system, in order to broaden the diagnosis of legislative innovations and promote the re-discussion of discursive and non-discursive practices.
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